W:105 × D:105 × H:125 /mm | W:4.13 × D:4.13 × H:4.92 /inch
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Prinsess Knight


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Text by It's A Beautiful Day Ltd.
「手塚少女マンガ」の代表作のひとつ。男の子と女の子の2つのハートをもつサファイア姫と仲間達の活躍が描かれる。 設定のユニークさと同時に、描き方の手法としても「目の中のキラキラ光る星」など、その後の少女マンガに多大なる影響を残している。(立版古は1963年「なかよしコミック」扉絵より
Known as Tezuka’s respective work for girl’s comic, Princess Knight is a story featuring Princess Sapphire, a princess born with both boy’s and girl’s mind, and her companions. The work left great impact on many of succeeding girl’s comics with its drawing techniques such as highlighted starry eyes as well as with its unique setting. (From the cover art of “Nakayoshi Comic” in 1963)

Text by It's A Beautiful Day Ltd.
手塚治虫 Osamu Tezuka

Tezuka, the greatest manga artist and the pioneer of Japanese animations, created incredible number of manga works and left a legacy to his successors in many ways including experimental animation production methods. His war experience made him strongly aware of the importance of life, which became his life-long theme in his works, leading him to complete his MD degree before his debut as a manga artist. Backed by a wide range of knowledge and profound insight in various fields, Tezuka not only entertained people but also conveyed his deep messages through many of his great masterpieces, having left immeasurable impact to this day. (1928 ~ 1989)